Hinduism By Brie Parmesan

The faith I chose to curate a source list on is Hinduism. I chose this faith because I do not know very much about it, and I was interested to learn more. I know more about Abrahamic faiths like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, because I have been taught about those in past history classes, but not Hinduism. I also think it is interesting because it is the world’s oldest living religion.

Crash Course: Hinduism Spirituality - ENTITY

The Rig Veda

This is a primary source. It is the beginning hymn of the Rig Veda, one of the sacred texts of Hinduism and the earliest of the four Vedas. This site also has links to the rest of the Rig Veda and the other four Vedas. This primary source is helpful for people seeking to know more about Hinduism because it is one of the most important texts of the Hindu religion.

Basics of Hinduism ­ Hindu American Foundation

This article covers the basics of Hinduism. It is from the Hindu American Foundation and is written by Hindus or people who are very familiar with the Hindu religion, so it is credible and reliable. It talks about the beliefs and history of Hinduism, as well as its major schools of thought, key scriptures, and its contributions and influence in the world.

Hinduism for Beginners ­ Learn Religions

This is another article that covers the basics of Hinduism for those who don’t know much about it. It goes over the definition, origins, basic tenets, key scriptures, major deities, and festivals and practices. It also has links to more articles that go more in depth about specific aspects of Hinduism, so it is more than just a basic overview.

Crash Course Hinduism

This is a Crash Course video on India and Hinduism, for those seeking to know more about Hinduism but who absorb information better through videos. In this video, John Green, noted author, with the help of three other historians, explains the basics of the history of Hinduism.

Hinduism ­ History.com

This article is from History.com, a reputable source for historical information. This article covers many different aspects of Hinduism, including Hindu beliefs and Gods, Hindu symbols, holy books, places of worship, holidays, sects of Hinduism, Hinduism’s origins and history, the Hindu Caste system, Gandhi, and more. At the top of the article is a list of links to specific sections and topics for those wanting specific information on Hinduism.

The Most Important Deities in Hinduism

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